Service Area Charges
Annie Kares In-home Care Services are so appreciative and enjoy supporting families. Please be mindful if you live twenty (20) miles outside our Beltsville, MD office radius, there will be an additional hourly fee for services rendered. *This is on a case by case basis.
Elder Companion Care Services
Independent Living Services - Our main elder care service includes a variety of nonmedical senior care tasks on a regular schedule to help the client maintain as normal a routine as possible in their home. The Annie Kares team member will assist with services at the senior’s home, including meal prep, dressing assistance, cleaning, and being present for the client. The needs of the elder will be discussed and established as part of the on-boarding process.​
“Family Ambassador” Service – For seniors that are living in nursing homes or other assisted living facilities, Annie Kares will regularly visit with the client as a supplement to the family. This lets both the elder and the staff of the facility know that there is someone that will be visiting regularly to ensure proper care and serve as a point of support.​
Personal Administrative Transport Service – This service allows elders to get out and about. Specifically, the Annie Kares team members will take the client where they need to go, including errands, grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, administrative support, minor computer support, etc. This service will be provided using either the client's vehicle or a car ridesharing service (i.e., Uber or Lyft), making and/or following up on calls, serving as social media support, and providing basic computer tutorials. ​
Individual Services
Independent Living Services (ILS) - 3 hours minimum (Click Here)
Family Ambassador Service (FAS) - 3 hours minimum (Click Here)
Personal Administrative Transport Service (PATS) - 3 hours minimum (Click Here)